Help build a Canada where we prioritize vulnerable people’s needs.

Without their voices at the table, current political decisions have a damaging ripple effect on underrepresented communities.

We provide candidates from underrepresented communities the tools to run effective campaigns and navigate government in Canada.


Join the community to create tech tools & resources that support candidates at all stages of their political journey.

Getting Involved


We match you to a high-impact project that you'll love — based on your learning goals, what brings you joy, and your skillset.

Projects exist for people of all backgrounds: community work, marketing, tech, research, and more! Because of this, you get to know a network of people from all over Canada in different sectors, aligned with having meaningful impact.


+ Curious about projects you could contribute to? Click here to see a few examples.

  • Research about campaigns: both live interviews or online literature reviews
  • Build cool tech for candidates to use during the campaigning process
  • Craft easy-to-understand online content
  • Do phone-calling to rally support for candidates
  • Help build the Future of Engagement community
  • Contribute to or run events (internal community building, campaign rallies, fundraising events, etc...)
  • and so many more!

Short Term Commitment

Maximum project length is 2-weeks, and choose how much time weekly.


Contribute on Your Terms

Easily step in or out of projects based on what’s happening in your life.


Solo and Team Projects

Choose between individual or group projects.


Complete this form to get involved!

We are looking for people who change the world… we are looking for you!

What are other volunteers saying? Check out the quotes below :)

Testimonials - Interior Designer Volunteer

“I got involved without knowing exactly what was coming. Now I know, one of the best decisions I have made since I arrived as an immigrant to Canada”.

Not only did I get to contribute a little from my area of knowledge, but I learned things I never imagined I would learn. The diversity and values of the work team make you feel comfortable, listened to and respected. There is nothing more motivating than feeling valued by your group and learning from them every week”.